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Read what my clients, supervisees and supervisors have to say.


"I have worked with Teresa for a number of years and can highly recommend her as a therapist, for individuals, couples or families.  Teresa has all the qualities I would look for in a therapist for myself – she is highly trained, knowledgeable and experienced in therapy and in life; and, as importantly, she is a warm, kind woman committed to working collaboratively and effectively with her clients, with care and respect, taking account of their own unique perspectives, shaped by their family, culture, religion, gender identity, sexuality or personal history.   Anyone who works with Teresa will be in safe hands."

Jo Bownas, Teresa's clinical supervisor

“When I met Teresa, I was in a very dark place and struggling to cope with life. I was going through a very messy separation/divorce, was finding it difficult to engage with my children, and found it hard to deal with the smallest everyday things. I was at rock bottom, life was meaningless, and I really couldn't see any future. In desperation, I looked for a family therapist and came across Teresa, who in no uncertain terms, lifted me out of the abyss, and changed my life significantly.

With Teresa, I went on a journey of self-discovery, exploring my relationships with others (family, children, intimate partners), my negative and destructive behaviour, and my battle with anxiety and depression. This wasn't easy, as I explored some very dark places in my life, but with Teresa's support, empathy, intellectual reasoning and therapeutic skills, I was able to consider these experiences, understand them, and make connections to my thoughts and behaviour in the present. This helped me to not only have a much better understanding of myself, but also to change the way I think about things, and the way I behave.

I feel so indebted to Teresa, and will always remember the significant contribution she made to helping me improve my life. A remarkable person and therapist! I always recommend Teresa to others who are struggling with life” 

Individual Therapy Client

“Teresa worked with my 17 year old daughter and I over a period of a year. My husband and son also occasionally attended Family Therapy sessions in order to work towards the family helping overcome my daughter's anorexia. Teresa was always sympathetic, flexible and highly skilled; showing great empathy at all times. Teresa was able to form a close therapeutic relationship with my daughter and also myself. Teresa was I believe instrumental in supporting us to work towards my daughter's short term goals and helped us to think more positively and look towards a brighter future. Teresa provided us with vital support at a time of crisis and enabled us to ultimately become more independent as my daughter recovered.” 

Individual and Family Therapy combined

“When my family and I met Teresa we were in the middle of the worst time of our lives. One of our daughters was terribly ill with depression that manifested itself through an eating disorder. Teresa was actually the third Family Therapist that we had met and was the only one able to help! She was kind, empathetic, sympathetic and very, very clever. She helped us to put in place strategies that not only helped our daughter to get her through such a dreadful illness but helped us to understand and support each other at the time and subsequently as well.

We will always be indebted to Teresa for the help and support she gave and are very happy to endorse her to help others who need it when they cannot see through the terrible clouds of despair that we encountered.”

Family Therapy

“I met Teresa when my daughter was referred to her following a diagnoses of an eating disorder. We were very lucky as her unwavering support for both Sophie* and our family was the reason Sophie recovered. She was incredibly patient, kind and most importantly, totally understanding of what my daughter was struggling with. She was an amazing professional and a wonderful person. My daughter and I will always be grateful to her.” 

Individual Therapy with a Young Person. * Sophie is not her real name

Supervision & Leadership

"I have worked with Teresa for a number of years and can strongly recommend her as a systemic supervisor.  Teresa is a highly trained and experienced therapist, trainer and supervisor, in the NHS and in private practice.   In addition to her rigour and wide-ranging professional expertise, Teresa brings personal qualities of warmth, compassion and rich life experience to her supervision.  She is committed to attending to social difference and the effects of differential power and privilege and she is able to draw on her own lived experience as well as paying close attention to the lived experience of her supervisees. If you are looking for systemic supervision, you couldn’t do better!"

Jo Bownas, Teresa's clinical supervisor

"I was fortunate enough to work alongside and be supervised by Teresa after a break in my practice. She completely respected my skills and experience while challenging me when needed. She restored my confidence to get back into my career, when she had a very challenging role herself. I also saw her working with clients and she set the bar high in terms of standards of clinical work. I learned a great deal from her. I also really appreciated her sense of humour and frankness, equally helpful qualities when working with clients and in supervision." 

Ann-Marie John, Family Therapist

“I've known Teresa since 2013. Our professional relationship began when we worked together at the Royal Free Eating Disorders Services, where she was both my clinical supervisor and line manager. Teresa was incredibly committed to her team's growth and development, always advocating for our team and providing unwavering support. When I transitioned to private practice, it was a natural choice to continue having her as my clinical supervisor.

Teresa is compassionate, insightful, and incredibly supportive. She is engaging and committed to her supervisory role, always bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to our sessions. Teresa knows how and when to challenge me in order to further develop my practice, pressing the 'right buttons' to trigger thoughtful reflections and new perspectives. Her ability to provide clear, constructive feedback and her unwavering dedication to my growth as a clinician have been invaluable. I am immensely grateful for her guidance and mentorship over the years.”

Violeta Gaddum, Family and Systemic Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologist

"Teresa has been my supervisor for a number of years, and I really value her multifaceted levels of support and guidance, including supervision of supervision. Our supervision sessions are grounding and exploratory, and Teresa always flexible around my supervision needs in each of our sessions."

Manuel Navarro, Family and Systemic Pscyhotherapist

"I have had the privilege of working with Teresa for nearly ten years - both for my NHS and my private work. She is very insightful and intelligent. She regularly demonstrates a deep understanding of my work. Her thoughtful listening has been invaluable to me. Her guidance has been (and is) much appreciated. Her qualities make her an outstanding supervisor, and I am delighted to recommend her highly." 

Jacqueline Ullmann, counsellor and psychotherapist

"Teresa has been my clinical supervisor since 2015. Her knowledge and experience of how the NHS and systems in general work, has been invaluable.

During this time she has been able to support my interventions and gently suggest new ways of looking at issues.

She is professional at all times, friendly and receptive. This has made it possible to form a good working relationship based on mutual care and respect."

Maria Castilla-Perez, Specialist Haematology Counsellor/Psychotherapist

I write as Teresa’s professional supervisor for her leadership work within the NHS over the past 18 months, a role in which I draw upon 20 years of experience in a leadership role in a similar service.

During this time Teresa has taken responsibility for co-leading a large CAMHS team, under considerable pressure due to the demands upon the service, with limited resources to respond to these demands.  I have been struck by the way that she has responded to this situation with resourcefulness, thoughtfulness and calm. Rather than waiting for her organisation to come up with ways to manage the challenges that it faces, she has been proactive for example in researching ways in which these challenges have been addressed elsewhere, drawing up and then seeking agreement for protocols regarding ways to ensure that cases are prioritised, cases on waiting lists are given due attention, and staff are protected from being over-burdened, earning thereby the respect and loyalty of her team members, colleagues and seniors.

Her style of leadership has been collaborative and inclusive, creating team events at which all can contribute, and be appreciated for what they bring.  At all times she has followed (as I see it) the key systemic tenets of transparency (sharing her thinking), collaboration (seeking to ensure that all are on board with proposed courses of action) and attending to feedback.  At all times she has kept as her highest context the well-being of clients and of staff, ensuring that clients get a quality service and that staff are not overwhelmed by demands, and are appreciated for the work they do. 

Philip Messent, Teresa's supervisor for her leadership work

“I worked with Teresa for many years (at the Royal Free Hospital, Eating Disorder Services). She is a fantastic member of the team we work in together and I really respect her approach to her work. She is compassionate, thoughtful and respectful at all times. She always holds in mind those she is working with therapeutically, trying her best to ensure they get the best possible care they can. She is highly skilled and I have learnt a great deal from her. I value the time I get to work with her and would strongly recommend her for both supervision and therapy work.” 

Michelle Wilson, Clinical Psychologist

“I had the privilege of working alongside Teresa at the Royal Free Hospital. Teresa always stood out as someone with a huge amount of energy and compassion, both for the families that she works with and for her colleagues. Teresa manages to have a wealth of knowledge and experience, whilst also being extremely approachable. During the time I was working with Teresa I was also studying for my MSc in Psychological Therapies. My best grade was in family therapy which definitely had more to do with Teresa’s ability to impart understanding than it did with my ability to revise for exams!” 

Naomi Hooke, Assistant Psychologist (at that time)